Fuelled by fierce creative ambition, and a desire to turn over innovative quality results in an ever changing and expanding design landscape, Riot signs prides itself on constantly providing stand out solutions for their clients. This is achieved  by setting an extremely high benchmark for quality and aesthetics and having an extensive knowledge base of all media, materials, design, fabrication and installation. We manage  your project from beginning to end to ensure consistent results and expectations are met.


Inspired by old school signage techniques and ethos, as well as the capabilities and endless boundaries of modern design rules and new technology, Riot Signs carries a wide variety of skills and experience in all aspects of signwriting. Constantly ahead of the game, always learning, discovering and keeping up to date with the latest trends and technologies in both design and materials. The world of signage and design is fluid, and we have to move with it.


Having worked with high end discerning retail clients, as well as small businesses for 15 years, we bring the same level of service and standards to all projects, always creating something that we are proud to put our name to.


Our passion for signage, visual branding and design is what motivates us. We actually love what we do, and wake up excited to go to work, we basically live and breathe it!

Scott is a trade qualified sign writer with 15 years experience under his belt,across the entire industry working for some of Auckland's most respected and innovative sign shops. From client interaction, design and production, running the printers and cutters, to vinyl graphics and digital wraps, fabrication of all things metal, plastic, timber and everything in between, L.E.D, florescent tube & neon illumination, as well as on site installations and project management, he has a wide range of practical, hands on knowledge and experience.